Application Portfolio Assessment
Application portfolio assessment is critical – Application portfolio assessment is a critical stage in application retirement. It is imperative to correctly assess your portfolio identifying applications for retirement. At truSyszygy, we can help you review your application portfolio. We will work with your IT Leadership to gather critical information about your applications. With the ever growing application portfolio that IT Leadership has to manage, it is hard to stay aware of each application’s usage and criticalness to the business.
Application Assessment accelerates ROI – To know the value of application archiving, you need to understand your application portfolio, the cost of that application, underlying technology, support structure (personnel, software, hardware), and how it fits into the corporate strategic technology direction, etc. Based on these type of factors, you can build an archive strategy targeting specific high value applications that will speed your ROI. In addition, other artifacts will be gathered to build an information repository for each application. Developing the application portfolio assessment is a valuable deliverable in and of itself.
Over 70% of IT Leadership admits that they would benefit from a portfolio assessment In a survey conducted by Forrester of 205 IT decision makers, 71% of them admitted they would benefit greatly from a formal assessment of their application portfolio.
Application Portfolio assessment is foundational for application retirement During the application portfolio assessment, we work side by side with you to do a high level walkthrough of your application portfolio looking for legacy applications that can be archived. Once a subset of candidate legacy applications have been identified a second more detailed review is conducted to validate the application as an archive candidate. Additional information is gathered from the SME regarding application characteristics that are pertinent to a successful application archive process.
At truSyzygy, we know how to perform an application portfolio assessment. We will help you categorize your applications identifying those that will bring you the greatest return on your investment. Give us a call at truSyzygy so we can help you take your next step to reducing your operating costs.