Application Archive Project
ROI is realized as each application is archived – Application Archive Project is the natural next step after the Application Archive proof of concept. The application archive project is a full scale application archive initiative conducting the archival of those applications that were identified during the application assessment phase. ROI is realized as each application is archived.
Application archiving has several phases. – The archive project consists of several phases from portfolio assessment through knowledge transfer. Based on the application assessment process each application is prioritized for archive and they are worked in the order that is most beneficial to the customer. Each application is verified as it is archived to ensure the archive is complete and accurate. As each application completes the archive process it is paramount that a full knowledge transfer is conducted. Imparting knowledge about the archive completes the archive process.
Application archiving process is refined as it is repeated The archive process defined during the Application Archive proof of concept (POC) is refined and repeated with the core archive team to drive consistency and gain process efficiencies. Working side by side with the application SME’s application critical components, and key resources are identified. Archiving application data, validating the archive, generating query screens, assembling system documentation, and performing a knowledge transfer are all deliverables of the application archive project. During the application archive project a repeatable project methodology is applied. Tracking all applications that are in process is mandatory to ensure applications are consistently archived. Information is reported to the executive team to communicate achievements and schedule new applications for archive.
At truSyzygy, we know how to perform an application archive project. We have a proven process that is successful and will speed you to your ROI. For further information regarding the truSyzygy application archive processes give us a call at truSyzygy so we can help you take your next step to reducing your operating costs.